Thursday, December 12, 2024

Creation Scientists and Resources

In case you are interested or curious: (still under construction); this list only includes thousands of creation believers with university science degrees who are not hiding their opinions from secular faculty, and does not include engineering science professionals (such as myself) and medical science professionals, which would number in the hundreds of thousands if not millions around the world.

Dr. James Tour (BS Chemistry, Syracuse; PhD Organic Chemistry, Purdue), Prof. at Rice University;
John Lennox (PhD Cambridge); Prof. of Mathematics, Oxford University;
------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Northwest Creation Network)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Creation Ministries International):

Jim Allan (MS Agric.; PhD from Univ. of Edinburgh), Prof. Dept. of Genetics University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.  Retired.

Matthew Cserhati (PhD Biology, University of Szeged; MS Biology, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest)

Shaun Doyle (BS Environmental Science - Soil Science; MS Natural Resources, University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia)

Danny Faulkner, astronomer (PhD, Assoc. Professor of Physics at Univ. of South Carolina - Lancaster).

Jim Farquhar (geologist; MS geology; mining industry expert)

Roger Gallop (geologist, geotechnical marine scientist) (BS Geology Univ. of North Carolina; MS Oceanography Florida IT; PhD Science Education Florida IT) (service US Marine Corps - Vietnam)

Paul Garner (BS Environmental Sciences with emphasis in Geology and Biology) (fellow, Geological Society of London) (member, Geological Society of America).

Dr. Werner Gitt (PhD, engineering, Technical University of Hanover, Germany); department head at Dept. of Information Technology German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology.

Russell Humphreys, (former thermonuclear fusion energy researcher at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico)

Dr. Pierre Jerlstrom, (BS Microbiology, Univ. of Queensland, Australia) (PhD molecular biology, Griffith Univ., Queensland, Australia)

Peter Line, neuroscientist (PhD neuroscience) (cellular biophysics and neuroanatomy lecturer, Australian universities)

Dr. Yingguang Liu, (PhD Molecular Virology, Ohio University); Professor at Liberty University.

Ian Macreadie, molecular biologist (PhD, Principal Research Scientist at the Biomolecular Research Institute of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Ralph Matthews (PhD radiation chemistry), former principal research scientist for Australia's CSIRO.

David Menton, anatomist (PhD, former Assoc. Professor of Anatomy at Wash. University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri).

Dr. Ron Neller, (PhD, fluvial geomorphology)

Michael Oard (meteorologist; BS+MS atmospheric science Univ. of Wash.)

Dr. Michael Prodigalidad, PhD Chemistry, Cambridge University.  Eventually left the private sector to become a Pastor in Austrailia.

Ronald Samec (PhD physics, Clemson University) (astronomy professor at Bob Jones University)

Jonathan Sarfati (PhD chemistry, Univ. of Wellington) (world Master chess player).

Andrew A. Snelling (BS Geology, PhD Geology, University of Syndey) (Australia mining industry geologist experience).

Keith Wanser, physicist (PhD) (Professor of Physics at California State University - Fullerton)

Alexander Williams, botanist (BS Botany, Univ. of New England Australia; MS Radioecology, Macquarie University Australia).

Clifford Wilson (sycholinguistics and Archaeology) (PhD, Univ. of South Carolina) (died 2012).

Kurt Wise (BA Geophysical Science, Univ. of Chicago, PhD geology + paleontology).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Institute for Creation Research):

John D. Morris (geologist; BS Virginia Tech, MS+PhD Univ. of Oklahoma)

Steven A. Austin (geologist; BS Univ. of Wash., MS, PhD Penn State)

Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins (BS Agriculture Washington State Univ.) (Masters in Plant Science, Univ. of Idaho 1990) (PhD Genetics, Clemson Univ. 1996).

Walter Veith, zoologist (PhD, Chair of Zoology at Univ. of the Western Cape South Africa).

John H. Whitmore (Assoc. professor of Geology in Ohio; PhD Paleontology/Biology Loma Linda)

John Woodmorappe (MA geology)

John Baumgardner (PhD Geophysics; numerical modeling and computational fluid dynamics expert, formerly with the Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Revolution Against Evolution): (3000 scientists)
Kurt Wise (paleontologist; PhD Harvard; professor at Bryan College)

Dr. Ker Thomson (geophysist; BA geology, PhD geophysics Colorado School of Mines)

Harold Coffin (PhD USC; paleobotanist and sedimentologist; former editor of Geoscience Research Institute magazine)

Marvin L. Lubenow (MS Anthropology): (Geoscience Research Institute):
Benjamin Clausen (PhD nuclear physics; MS Geology)

Choi Chong Geol (PhD Univ. of Seoul; paleontology)
Sean D. Pitman, MD (pathology, hematology), (The Emperor has no Clothes, a challenge to the theory of evolution)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dr. Mohammad Wagdi's site)
Dr. Natalie Bennett, Immunologist (PhD Immunology, Monash University, Australia
D. Samuel Gan, Head of Antibody and Product Dev. lab in Singapore, profiled in Creation magazine 2021 #2; PhD in Allergy, B.Sc. in Molecular Biology.
Creation Research Society (CRS): (some repeated from CMI organization)

Kevin L. Anderson (PhD microbiology, Kansas State Univ)
Jerry Bergman (PhD, Wayne State Univ.)
Robert Carter (PhD marine biology)
Eugene Chaffin (PhD physics, Oklahoma State Univ.) (professor of physics)
Donald B. DeYoung (PhD physics, Iowa State Univ.)
Danny Faulkner (PhD astronomy, Indiana Univ.)
Robert Hill (EdD, physics and astronomy, Ball State Univ.)
Russell Humphreys (PhD physics, Louisiana State Univ.)
Jean Lightner (veterinary medicine, Ohio State Univ.)
Gary Locklair (PhD computer science, Nova SE Univ.)
Michael Oard (MS atmospheric science, Univ. of Washington)
John Reed (PhD geology, Univ. of South Carolina)
Ronald Samec (PhD physics and astronomy)
Glen Wolfrom (PhD animal science, Univ. of Missouri)

Note that the CRS has over 600 members with MS or PhD degrees in science.
Walt Brown (PhD mechanical engineering MIT)
Gordon Wilson (PhD environmental science, George Mason Univ.) (MS entomology, Univ. of Idaho)
Discovery Institute list of 1000+ advanced degree holders questioning the theory of evolution:

Michael J. Behe, biochemist (Assoc. Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh Univ.) (PhD Biochemistry Univ. of Pennsylvania) (professor of biological sciences Lehigh University); author of "Darwin's Black Box")

Stephen C. Meyer (PhD Philosophy, Univ. of Cambridge; BS Physics and Earth Sciences); geophysicist with ARCO in Texas; former professor; author of book "Signature in he Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design" (2009).
Jon Ahlquist, (PhD Yale University, MS Yale, BS Cornell Univ., Biology);
Jonathan Corrado, (PhD Systems Engineering, Colorado State Univ.); biographized in Creation Magazine 2024; worked at a nuclear facility;
Phillip E. Johnson, UC Berkeley Law Professor Emeritus, author of "Against All Gods"
Michael Man (BS in China, MS+PhD in the United States of America, microbiology, biology, biochemistry)
Shouchin Man (BS in China, MS+PhD in the USA, chemistry and biological chemistry)
David Plaisted (PhD computer science Standford University) (Professor of computer science, Univ. of North Carolina)
Dr. Henry Richter (PhD Chemistry, Physics minor), literal "rocket scientist", Jet Propulsion Lab (now NASA), worked on multiple space program ventures, including "Explorer 1", author of book "Spacecraft Earth: a Guide for Passengers" concerning the vast scientific and statistical evidence supporting creation and refuting random change.
Dr. Gunter Bechly, PhD, paleontology.  Senior research scientist at Biologic Institute in Washington state.

Joke of the day:

A little girl asked her mother "how did the human race appear?"......The mother answered: "God made the first man and the first woman and they had children and so was all mankind made.".....Two days later, the girl asked her father the same question.  The father answered  "many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race was developed.".....The confused girl returned to her mother and said "how is it possible that you told me that the human race was created by God and Papa says they were developed from monkeys?".............The mother answered "well dear, it is very simple.  I told you about the origin of my side of the family, while your father told you about his side."


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Evidence of catastrophic geology, Case 17

 In northwest Wyoming, there is a massive block of limestone and dolomite rock known as "Heart Mountain".  Although made famous because near the base of the mountain was a japanese internment camp during World War 2, it should be truly famous because it is a mountain that was moved horizontally approximately 30 miles in just minutes or hours.

Known as the "Heart Mountain Detachment" (HWD), approximately 430 square miles of limestone broke off at the edge of modern day Yellowstone National Park and slid eastward.  The massive rock broke up into 50 large blocks scattered over an area of 1,350 square miles.  These blocks are mountains, 1,600 feet thick or tall.  The farthest block is Heart Mountain.  The limestone masses slid on top of basin sediments that were deposited after the limestone.

Heart Mountain is shown at the east edge of the graphic below and is the last block to the east in the lower graphic.  The gray blocks in the lower graphic represent the limestone mountains that broke off and were displaced eastward, stopping at various points.  Subsequent to this massive horizontal landslide, massive volcanic activity buried the limestone under volcanic debris, conglomerate rock, sandstone rock, shale, and siltstone (mudstone) sedimentary deposits, which indicate the events all occurred under water.  Some geologists claim this was a subaerial landslide but this is debatable.  

The horizontal shear plane (slide surface) is visible in some areas and is perfectly horizontal to 2 degrees off horizontal.  Creation geologists and Atheist geologists both recognize the catastrophic nature of the rock movement.  The slide from a creationist perspective most likely occurred during the recessive stage of the greatest flood and occurred underwater where friction would be much lower between the broken initiated slide rock and the underlying sediments.  The presence of 9000 square miles of volcanic debris in sheet structure is also evidence of water deposition.  As water levels receded, massive erosion of the volcanic deposits produced huge valleys visible today.  Some of the limestone mountains appear as perched remnants because the surrounding deposits were eroded away.

The initial break-off that initiated the HMD was likely seismic activity after rapid tectonic uplift.  The energy required to move limestone mountains could only come from massive water flow and underwater reduced shear strength conditions at the contact surface help achieve the distances observed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Catastrophic Geology Case 16: Rapid Ice Formation

During World War 2, six P38 fighter planes and two B17 bomber planes had to make emergency landings in Greenland.  All of the pilots and crew survived and were rescued but the planes abandoned in the remote area.  In 1988 private salvage hunters (United States citizens) funded a salvage operation to dig out the planes.  Surprisingly, they found the planes were now buried under 250 feet of ice and snow.  This is 250 feet of snow (hardened to ice) accumulation in less than 50 years (5.4 feet per year).

Cores through ice in the north arctic and in the south Antarctica have been falsely characterized as "millions of years" or "hundreds of thousands of years" or "tens of thousands of years" of accumulation.  A 3000-ft long ice core could represent just 2,000 years of snow deposition in perennial cold climates based on the empirical evidence.  The photograph below is from the ice cave excavated around one of the planes.  Parts were hauled up through a vertical shaft to the surface and planes reassembled elsewhere.

Evidence of Catastrophic Geology: Case 15

2011 Japan Tsunami

In 2011 a large tsunami hit Japan and caused significant damage and loss of life.  One of the amazing photographs is presented herein.  There is also video available online.  After the flooding, borings in the interior 1.6 km inland revealed the tsunami deposited 40 cm of soil in a matter of several days.  The height of the flood wave reach 26 feet in some areas.  The 40 cm deposit (almost 1.4 feet) is a single layer produced in a couple of days, not tens of thousands of years.  The flood deposit layer varied in thickness which was controlled by topograhy and the bedload in the water.  Multiple energy pulses (waves) produced different layers or seams within the overall deposit (i.e. a two day 1.4-ft layer with a varved appearance was not the result of dozens of deposits placed over tens of thousands of years).  This is just one more example of empirical evidence that proves the sedimentary deposits we find across the planet are not the result of imaginary slow ("millions of years") deposition.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Radiometric Dating" is a misnomer

Some articles explaining the fallacy of "radiometric dating" of soil and rock:

Volcanic lava proving radiometric dating does not work (Andrew Snelling, PhD Geology)

The-fallacies-of-radioactive-dating-of-rocks (Andrew Snelling, PhD Geology)

Radiometric-dating-breakthroughs (Carl Wieland, MD)

Problems with the U - Pb Radioisotope Dating Methods (Dr. Andrew Snelling, PhD Geology)

Little Known Facts About Radiometric Dating (Tas Walker, PhD Mechanical Engineering; BS Earth Science)

Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth (Ralph Matthews, PhD Radiation Chemistry)

Diamonds are a Creationist's Best Friend (Jonathan Safarti, PhD Chemistry)

More Bad News for Radiometric Dating (David Plaisted, PhD Computer Science)

Catastrophic Geology: Case 14 - Vredefort Impact Crater

In the area southwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, is evidence of the largest impact crater on the planet.  Although the origin of the Vredefort structure has been uncertain for many years, until the 1990's when consensus was reached.  The impact feature is only visible from geology mapping information and satellite imagery.  The crater has a diameter of 50 miles !  An outer ring is 200 miles in diameter !  A prevailing model is that a 10 km diameter asteroid within the overall asteroid shower of the great catastrophe, punched into the earth, and rebounding rocks thrust up and out forming the inner ring composed of hills of metamorphosed rock (gold bearing quartz and conglomerate rock).  As reported by Tas Walker (geologist):

"The area inside the ring is granitic rock which forms the basement of the area.  Before the granite rebounded, it sat more than 20 km beneath the surface.  The force of the impact deeply fractured the granite, and partly melted it.  Some magma was rich in iron and magnesium and filled the cracks, enveloping chunks (clasts) of broken granite, and solidifying into a black, glassy rock called pseudotachylite (soo-do-tacky-lite).  Because it has been found at a number of impact sites around the world it has been taken as evidence for the asteroid [shower] impact.  Leeuwkop Quarry near Parys shows magnificient exposures of pseudotachylite enveloping large, rounded chunks of granite."

"Other magma was rich in silica and aluminum.  This flowed into other cracks forming a light colored rock called granophyre, which is exposed as a number of long dykes in the area.  These dykes and the pattern they form are also evidence for the impact."

Widespread and deep geologic changes occurred within minutes.  Not "millions" of years.  The asteroid penetrated sedimentary deposits (water borne deposits) and the underlying bedrock.  Subsequent rapid sedimentation (the Karro Supergroup geologic formation) occurred after the impact.  Tremendous erosion then occurred as the water level receded, forming the Great African planation surface and exposing the Vredefort dome.  The patterns of drainage erosion around the dome through the tilted ring of mountains are evidence of receding water, not slow erosion along drainage valleys.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Coquina Limestone

 Although rare in Central Texas, "coquina" limestone is occasionally evident, generally as part of the sedimentary deposit categorized as the "Cow Creek Limestone" geologic formation.  Although it can be found in other "limestone" deposits.  Coquina implies fossil-dense limestone.  Limestone implies calcium carbonate rich material, and sea shells are calcium carbonate rich material.  Therefore a coquina is a form of limestone.  As with most limestone materials, coquina can be a detrital limestone (shell-dense soil transported during deposition) or non-detrital (shell-dense beach buried rapidly in place).

Various terms have been developed to describe fossil-dense limestone, therefore terminology can be confusing or even defined differently be different people.  In general terms we might commonly use:

"Coquina": A limestone sedimentary deposit formed predominantly by marine shell animals and sand.

"Coquinite": A stong cemented coquina (rock), likely formed from notable burial under subsequent sedimentary deposits.  Lithification by compaction.

"Coquinoid": A coquina where sand is more abundant in the matrix.

"Hash": Fossil hash or shell hash are terms used to described a coquina with notable variable (mixed) animal types and shell condition.  High variability and condition of the animals at the time of burial generally implies a high hydraulic energy environment that broke up the sea fauna to produce a bed of random composition.

The samples at right were identified as coquina (or more likely coquinite) found in Texas, offered for sale on ebay.

This is a photograph of coquina found in Florida.  This has the structure of a detrital deposit (deposition from high energy event).

High energy events producing fossil hash could conceivably be from large waves (meteor impact; earthquake) or underwater landslides caused by any number of possible events.

When a coquina is discovered with relatively intact postmortem shells (split bivalves) and low variability, it might imply rapid burial of a shell-dense beach.  Some shell-dense beaches exist around the world including in Australia and the Caribbean.  The shells wash ashore and collect over time.